Monday, June 17, 2013


Welcome to Running on Decaf, a blog by a full-time working mom of two. Why the name? My body decided in my early 20s that it isn't friendly with caffeine, which means I've been operating caffeine free since about 1999. My boys were born in 2005 and 2007, and, yes, I managed the nighttime feedings and diaper changes and all the other exhausting times being a full-time working parent brings without the benefit of a real cup of coffee. If you just shuddered in horror, I don't blame you. At least no one needs to conduct a scientific experiment and waste their time and money, though, because I am proof positive that parenting can be done without caffeine. It's not always pretty, but it is possible. 

Our boys are Legoman and Noodle, and they just finished second grade and kindergarten, respectively. It's wild to think that so many years have passed, and I do get a little nostalgic for their infanthoods sometimes, but then I get a full night's sleep and get over not having little babies anymore. My theory is that you're either moving forward through time or you're dead, and I vastly prefer the former. As they hit their milestones, I cheer, and as they pass each birthday, hubby and I high-five each other for having survived another year. 

Hubby is Mr. Engineer, and he is a full-time working dad just as I am a full-time working mom. Dual incomes have a lot of pluses, but having to get the whole family out of the house first thing in the morning would not be one of them. 

To round out the family, we have two dogs, whom I will call Princess and Dopey for the purposes of this blog. 

I've started this blog without knowing if I can keep it up but because I want to add another working mom's voice to the blogosphere. I may not have anything interesting to say, or you may find you hate what I have to say, but if you comment, please be respectful. I have lots of mom friends of all types, and we manage to respect each other's choices. I hope even though you and I are strangers you can afford me similar respect. 

I may rail against the working-parent life from time to time (or quite a bit), but be forewarned that that doesn't mean I don't want to work. It just means that my life gets messy sometimes and I need to vent. I think it's natural that we all end up in that spot sometimes, regardless of our life details.

Again, welcome. I hope you stick around, find something here that clicks with your own experience, and settle in to feel right at home. Well, minus my feeding you or doing your laundry. I'm hard pressed to get those things done for my own crew.